Otto Link FL Double Ring Marinated .102 Silky Smooth Resonance

Here we have an apex example of the Florida Double Ring with my custom setup.  This was one of my personal players until I moved to a slightly smaller size.  I did it for myself in a batch of only TWO and the other was for Josh Redman.  They are setup with the same facing, very similar but each piece has its unique character and response.  Absolutely every fine optimization has been done to this piece.  It is playing at the top of its capability and efficiency.

The FL model has a slightly smaller chamber than NY models, and also it seems, a slightly smaller chamber than No USA models. This piece has the expected focus and center of the Double Ring model, a significant moderate baffle providing a bit of bounce and shimmering buzz on top of a very smooth and pretty warmth. The tip size sits at .102 with very fine side and tip rail contours; this piece is a lyrical weapon that lives all the way up to the FL Double Ring hype.