
The shop is currently OPEN

Saxophone service:

Repairs/adjustments taken and priced on a case by case basis.

Full overhaul, base price $2000.00 + pads, resonators, and time for brass/dent/repair issues assessed individually.  At the moment I have a backlog of my own horns to work on, so will be picky with jobs.

Brass/dent work as/if needed (hope not!)
Straightening as needed
Tone hole level as needed
Key level, fit/swedge as needed
Cork/felt + regulation
Neck fit

Mouthpiece Services:
My approach to mouthpiece restoration, facing and adjustment is painstaking and detail oriented with a high standard for playability and quality.  I am not running a *cheap* mouthpiece assembly line business.  Each piece I work on requires significant time and focus.  I have many dedicated customers who trust my work and therefore do not NEED more work.  My prices reflect my commitment to excellence in craft as well as the value of my time and expertise.  Obviously this level of attention to detail is not suited to all.  There are cheaper options to be found for sure.


Facing curve minor adjustments starts at $75.00

Full Restoration/Reface base price $300

Additional factors that can contribute to cost and time may be; straightening bent or damaged mouthpieces, tips, or shanks, chamber work, and cleaning up after poor work done by others previously.

Basket-case restorations (pieces that are truly abused and damaged) cost to be determined as work is done.  All work is on a ‘to be arranged’ basis.
Photos appreciated first, phone consultation (free of charge) available before and necessary after a personal examination of the mouthpiece, at which time all cost estimates can be assessed.

Saxophone and mouthpiece finder services:

Over the years many of my friends and clients have asked me to locate specific types, vintages and models of saxophone and mouthpiece that they are seeking.  I have some good contacts and methods for finding them and offer that as an option for those on the quest.
I also have myriad old vintage pieces and blanks around here that I keep and collect specifically as good candidates to make into really fine and fun playing pieces.  These range from the rarest and most expensive, to the most common cheap and under the radar blanks that actually can make excellent pieces for little money.  So if you are looking to have something made, I might have the right type of thing to start with here.

Saxophone and mouthpiece personal consultations:

Some clients have actually traveled here by air and come for a visit with the option to play many different types and sizes of mouthpieces and which ever horns are available at the moment. Spending some time discussing and analyzing one’s concerns regarding their personal physical method of playing, sound idea, and relationship between horn, mouthpiece, reed and player in combination with the possible items and hand work I can offer can be very useful for some people.  Cost by day or hour to be discussed on a case by case basis.